Skipton BID/Visit North Yorkshire Network Meeting
Skipton BID and Visit North Yorkshire are joining forces to host a network meeting for businesses in the town at the Skipton Concert Hall to which all are welcome to come along!
The aim is to update you on the steps being taken to promote Skipton locally, nationally and internationally and how you and your business can be involved.
As well as an update from Skipton BID, there will also be the opportunity to meet members of the new destination marketing and management service, Visit North Yorkshire.
Come along to find out more about how this service is evolving including the forthcoming launch of the new Visit North Yorkshire website on 1st April and how Skipton BID and Visit North Yorkshire can work with you and your business.
The event will be held from 12:30 – 2pm and 4.30-6pm with scheduled informal mini-presentation overviews at 1pm and 5pm, lasting around 20 minutes.
Please drop in at any time throughout these sessions to meet one another over a hot drink, ask questions in an informal environment and share your business aspirations with us.
This is also a great opportunity to look around the Concert Hall and all its venue spaces as well as the Museum, find out more about its work and the latest events and activities planned for this historic venue in the town.
You are welcome to come to whichever session is most convenient for your business that day.