Safe & Welcoming

It is important for the residents and visitors in Skipton experience a friendly welcome and to feel safe while enjoying the town centre. The town also needs to be clean and attractive to every business and resident has pride in the town they choose to work and live in.

We commit to:

  • Continuing to fund the CCTV cameras
  • Continue to fund STAND (Stopping Trouble and Night-time Disorder)
  • Deep clean to the town centre

Thrive & Grow

Skipton BID wants to provide an environment where growth is encouraged in the town, and we will support investment into the development of new and existing businesses within Skipton. We will champion businesses and organisations across town and encourage inward investment.

We commit to:

  • Work with key stakeholders to influence the attractiveness and marketability of vacant sites
  • We will work towards a circular economy within the town so all businesses can thrive
  • We will organise and facilitate training for businesses to support growth and development

Vibrant & Inspiring

Skipton is a popular visitor destination, and it is important the town continues to be the destination of choice so businesses can thrive and the town can offer memorable experiences.

We commit to:

  • Managing and developing the Welcome to Skipton brand to increase footfall and spend within the town
  • Seed funding events to ensure a unique and diverse offer for residents and visitors
  • Continue to fund Skipton in Bloom to ensure Skipton continues to be vibrant and attractive

Keep up to date

The best way to stay up-to-date with BID projects is to engage with the BID social media and ensure you read the BID newsletters.

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