Skipton Business Improvement District (BID) is a not-for-profit, independent organisation.

Utilising the levy collected from businesses we make improvements and enhancements in Skipton town centre.

Since its launch in 2009, the BID has invested £2million into projects and initiatives for town. The BID is made up of businesses from the retail, hospitality, leisure and professional sectors with a large number of independent businesses.

There are now over 320 operational BIDs across the UK. All businesses with a rateable value of £6000 and over within the BID area are required to pay the mandatory levy, which is 1.5% of the rateable value.

In November 2023, we were delighted to be voted in for a fourth five-year term. 76% of businesses voted in favour by number, with 66% voting in favour by rateable value.

How can my business benefit?

Skipton BID is committed to delivering projects that improve the economy and the environment of the town centre. The BID aims to raise standards of safety and cleanliness, and raise awareness of the town as a visitor destination and attract more visitors, families and investors to town.

The BID supports the delivery of events and delivers an ongoing business support programme that all levy paying businesses can participate in. We actively encourage all businesses to engage with the BID team to ensure we are representing your business.

The BID Levy

Skipton BID is funded primarily by an annual levy charged to businesses within its geographical boundary.

Businesses who are eligible to pay the annual levy should make themselves familiar with the rules.

A summary of the rules are below and the full levy rules can be found using the button below:

View the full levy rules (PDF Download)
  1. The levy rate to be paid by each property or hereditament is to be calculated as 1.5% of its rateable value as at 1st April each year throughout the term of the BID. The BID levy will be calculated using the 12023 non-domestic rating list for the duration of the BID.
  2. Under the Local Government Act 2003 and the Business Improvement District Regulations (England) 2004, the levy is mandatory by law for the full period of the term (not exceeding 5 years) and will be charged annually in advance for each chargeable period from April to March (starting on 1st April 2024).
  3. The BID levy will apply to all eligible hereditaments located within the defined BID area and with a rateable value of £6000 and over (as per the 2023 Rating List).
  4. Liability for the levy falls upon the Non-Domestic Ratepayer for the property on the date of billing (1st April each year). If the property is empty on the date of billing, then liability shall fall to upon the property owner.
  5. Exemptions, relief or discounts prescribed in the Non-Domestic Rating (Collection and Enforcement) (Local Lists).  Regulations 1989 made under the Local Government Finance Act 1988, will not apply.

The Team

The BID is made up of the BID Manager and Digital Marketing Executive. supported by a team of dedicated volunteers who sit as Board Directors.

The BID Board

Skipton BID is governed by a voluntary Board of directors who provide governance, strategic direction and ensure oversight and scrutiny of the delivery of the BID business plan. The Board is made up of representatives from key business sectors in the town.

The Board meets bi-monthly and copies of board minutes are available to levy-paying members on request. The Board completes a Conflict Of Interest register and a Register of Pecuniary Interests. This is available to all levy-paying members on request.

Keep up to date

The best way to stay up-to-date with BID projects is to engage with the BID social media and ensure you read the BID newsletters.

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